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Ekinex 71 serien oser av eleganse og harmoni.

Ekinex 71 serien oser av eleganse og harmoni.

71 serien oser av eleganse og harmoni, og leveres i plast, metall og Fenix NTM®. Leveres som trykknapper, termostater og plater for stikkontakter i et bredt spekter av farger og størrelser med integrerte lysdioder som kan kombineres fritt med hverandre. Ideell for selv de mest elegant designede rommene.

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Tilgjengelig i 3 forskjellige materialer.


  • Metall, børstet og malt aluminium, som skaper en dyrebar finish; hentet fra en møysommelig prosessering.
  • Fenix NTM®, et Nano-tech materiale, ultramatt og mykt å berøre.
  • Til slutt, plast, i sin edleste versjon.
Ekinex E13-RW, 71serie DEEP, 1 x firkantet knapp, KIT i sort

Med Ekinex 71-serien kan du styre lys, lyd, markiser, gardiner eller lignende. Innebygget termostat og integrert temperatur sensor gir også mulighet for full kontroll på temperaturen.

Bildet er ment som en illustrasjon. Gravering av symboler og tekst kan tilpasses etter eget ønske.

Ekinex E13-RW, 1 x knapp - 71series i Plastic | White, DEEP

The 4-fold pushbutton of Ekinex® 71 series commands loads on/off switching, controls the dimming of lighting devices, controls motor drives for shutters or executes any other programmable command and control function.

Ekinex E13-RW, 2 x knapp - 71series i Plastic | Intense Black, DEEP

The 4-fold pushbutton of Ekinex® 71 series commands loads on/off switching, controls the dimming of lighting devices, controls motor drives for shutters or executes any other programmable command and control function.

Ekinex E13-RW, 2 x knapp - 71series i Plastic | White, DEEP

The 4-fold pushbutton of Ekinex® 71 series commands loads on/off switching, controls the dimming of lighting devices, controls motor drives for shutters or executes any other programmable command and control function.

Ekinex E13-RW, 4 x knapp-kvadratisk - 71series i Plastic | Intense Black, DEEP

The 4-fold pushbutton of Ekinex® 71 series commands loads on/off switching, controls the dimming of lighting devices, controls motor drives for shutters or executes any other programmable command and control function.

Ekinex E13-RW, 4 x knapp-kvadratisk - 71series i Plastic | White, DEEP

The 4-fold pushbutton of Ekinex® 71 series commands loads on/off switching, controls the dimming of lighting devices, controls motor drives for shutters or executes any other programmable command and control function.

Ekinex E13-RW, 4 x knapp-horisontal - 71series i Metal | Nickel, DEEP

The 4-fold pushbutton of Ekinex® 71 series commands loads on/off switching, controls the dimming of lighting devices, controls motor drives for shutters or executes any other programmable command and control function.

Ekinex E13-RW, 4 x knapp-horisontal - 71series i Plastic | White, DEEP

The 4-fold pushbutton of Ekinex® 71 series commands loads on/off switching, controls the dimming of lighting devices, controls motor drives for shutters or executes any other programmable command and control function.

Ekinex E13-RW, 4 x knapp-horisontal - 71series i Plastic | Intense Black, DEEP

The 4-fold pushbutton of Ekinex® 71 series commands loads on/off switching, controls the dimming of lighting devices, controls motor drives for shutters or executes any other programmable command and control function.

Ekinex E13-RW, 1 x knapp - 71series i Metal | Nickel, DEEP

The 4-fold pushbutton of Ekinex® 71 series commands loads on/off switching, controls the dimming of lighting devices, controls motor drives for shutters or executes any other programmable command and control function.

Ekinex E13-RW, 2 x knapp - 71series i Metal | Aluminum, DEEP

The 4-fold pushbutton of Ekinex® 71 series commands loads on/off switching, controls the dimming of lighting devices, controls motor drives for shutters or executes any other programmable command and control function.

Ekinex E13-RW, 2 x knapp - 71series i Metal | Nickel, DEEP

The 4-fold pushbutton of Ekinex® 71 series commands loads on/off switching, controls the dimming of lighting devices, controls motor drives for shutters or executes any other programmable command and control function.

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