Ekinex EK-STL-10K-3435, Temperature sensor for air mass measurement

Temperature sensor for air mass measurement.
Temperature sensor for air mass measurement with NTC sensing element to be used in combination with ekinex® KNX devices equipped with an analog input (or configurable as [AI]) to measure the temperature. The version of the sensor is characterized by the sensing element molded directly on the connecting cable; it is particularly suitable for detecting the temperature of the indoor air mass. The electrical connection with the ekinex® KNX device is realized by the two-wire cable (length 1.5 m).
• Sensing element: NTC (10 kΩ ±1% at 25°C, ß = 3435)
• Operating temperature: −50°C...+105°C (in air)
Required for the ekinex KNX device to which the temperature sensor is connected