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Nettverk / Grensesnitt (KNX)

Ekinex EK-BB1-TP, IP interface

The ekinex® EK-BB1-TP IP interface realizes the bidirectional data connection between a PC or a laptop and a KNX bus system through a LAN network.

Ekinex EK-BD1-TP, USB/KNX interface

The ekinex® USB interface EK-BD1-TP allows a bidirectional data connection between a PC and a KNX bus system.

KNX USB-grensesnitt - COMUSB-REG-1

Lingg & Janke COMUSB-REG-1, KNX standard USB interface.

KNX Linje / Områdekobler - LK2-2

Lingg & Janke LK2-2, KNX line coupler / backbone coupler.

KNX IP-grensesnitt - COMIP-REG-1

Lingg & Janke COMIP-REG-1, KNX standard IP interface.

Ekinex EK-BP1-TP, DALI - KNX gateway

The ekinex® DALI - KNX Gateway performs a procotol conversion between a DALI and a KNX TP network.‎

Ekinex EK-BC1-TP, IP Router

The ekinex® EK-BC1-TP IP router realizes the bidirectional data connection between a PC or a laptop and a KNX bus system through a LAN network.

Ekinex EK-IF1-SEC-TP, IP secure router

The Ekinex® EK-IF1-SEC-TP IP router realises a bi-directional data connection between a PC or laptop and a KNX bus system via a LAN.

Ekinex EK-BH1-TP-485, Gateway Modbus RS485 master RTU - KNX TP

The ekinex® Modbus RS485 - KNX Gateway performs a protocol conversion between a serial RS485 Modbus RTU and a KNX TP network.

Ekinex EK-BG1-TP, Gateway DALI - KNX *

The Ekinex® DALI - KNX Gateway allows the control of the devices present in a DALI network from a KNX TP network.

* Utgående modell - Så lenge lager holder.

Ekinex EK-BF1-TP-DP1, KNX / DALI gateway 1 kanal

Ekinex® Gateways EK-BF1-TP-D1 used to control electronic control gear (ECG) with a DALI interface (according to EN 62386) via the KNX installation bus.

Ekinex EK-BH1-TP-TCP, Modbus TCP/IP master - KNX gateway

The ekinex® Modbus TCP/IP - KNX Gateway performs a protocol conversion between a Modbus RTU over TCP / IP and a KNX TP network.‎