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RUSSOUND IR-produkter

RUSSOUND IR-produkter

Mange audiovisuelle systemer bruker infrarøde komponenter for å operere kilde utstyr. Russound SaphIR® infrarøde produkter gir et vindu fra den håndholdte fjernkontrollen til komponenten, som kan være plassert i et annet rom eller i et kabinett.
Russound plasma-vennlig IR-mottakere er kompakte, kan plasseres nesten hvor som helst, og vil gli inn i nesten alle miljøer.

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Russound CB-140, IR Connecting Block

The Russound CB-140 makes it easy to connect infrared accessories together. The hub of an IR repeater system, it receives signals from remotely located infrared receivers and channels them to your source components and other equipment.

Russound CB-PS-EU, Power Supply, stk

Russound Connecting Block CB-140 Power Supply

Russound IRE-1, Mini IR emitter, stk

Russound IRE-1, Mini IR emitter, enkel, stk

Russound SLM-1, Surface Mount IR Receiver

Russound Slim-Design Surface Mount IR Receiver